2018- A Year in Review


Thank you to the many industry businesses which come together to make up the Australian caravanning and camping industry.

2018 was a challenging year but one which continued to see growth across the industry, and saw many new (and existing) Australians experience what great benefits a caravanning or camping experience can offer.  Indeed there were over 12 million individual trips taken (a record), and the industry is estimated to have contributed over $20 billion worth of economic value to the Australian economy, much of which importantly was distributed into regional Australia.

At Caravan Industry Association of Australia we appreciate and acknowledge the financial and logistical support for those industry businesses which come together and invest in the National Marketing & Advocacy Fund.  This underpins many of the activities which we undertake on behalf of the industry, and the selfless investment that nearly 700 industry businesses make to allow for industry activities to occur is very much valued.

Throughout 2018, we have been very active and I am incredibly proud of the level of activity which has been able to be generated by the team.  To showcase just an example of some of the activities undertaken I invite you to watch the 2018 Year in Review which can be viewed from below.

We already have planned an array of new and exciting marketing stimulation plans for 2019, reaching new markets, and talking directly to Australian consumers who we have identified as being most interested in hearing our industry messages.  There is no doubt that there are some headwinds in the market, however now is not the time to take the foot off the pedal, and we will be increasing our marketing activity to a level never seen before through strategic investments and new and exciting co-operative partnerships to ensure that the industry remains front of mind in the eyes of consumers looking to take a genuine Australian holiday.  We will also be increasing activities in the areas of research, compliance and lobbying to new levels, as well as looking at bringing an even more exciting National Conference in May which we believe will be a must attend industry event.

On behalf of our National board and our staff, we wish everyone a safe (and in some cases profitable) New Year holiday period.

Stuart Lamont, CEO