A Rare Opportunity to Hear Peter Costello Speak


JG & Peter Costello Sep 16

In recent weeks, Caravan Industry Association of Australia’s Julian Harniman was invited to attend an event with the Hon. Peter Costello AC by Paul Nicolau, Director of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The event allowed Julian to represent Caravan Industry Association of Australia in talks with Craig Kelly MP, the member for Hughes; Paul Varnish, Senior Manager of NSW Chamber of Commerce; Sidney Lin, Senior Relationship Manager of St George Bank in Leisure and Hospitality; and Paul Greenberg, Founder of Nora (Australia’s newest retail industry collective).

At the event Peter Costello, former Treasurer and current chairman of both the Australian Future Fund and the Nine Entertainment Corporation, shared his thoughts in conversation with the new Federal Member for Boothby, Nicolle Flint, and Sally Loane, Chief Executive of the Financial Services Council.

In his speech prior to the panel conversation, Peter Costello argued that the Liberal Party needed to be the Party of smaller government and lower taxation and that it needed to smash the high-tax cheer squad. He said the Liberal Party needed to regain its “historic mission” to repair the budget by cutting spending and not increasing taxation. He went on to say the Liberal Party must be the party of the economy and strong defence, but wouldn’t be drawn into the argument about whether the party should be ‘centre right’ or ‘sensible centre’ – saying only that the party needed to be big enough to be inclusive on social issues.

Costello’s speech inspired an article in The Australian titled, “Peter Costello’s blast: Liberal Party lacks vision”. Julian commented that, “Peter Costello showed once again that he is one of the few politicians who is able to simplify a complex message, getting ‘cut through’ in the media”.