Caravan Industry Salesperson Accreditation Program Details


The Caravan Industry Salesperson Accreditation Program (CISAP) has been established to allow consumers to identify industry leaders in sales and service and recognise their professionalism and knowledge of Australian Consumer Law (ACL) requirements, as well as best practice customer service and ethical sales behaviours.

This program has been designed specifically to give consumers better consumer outcomes through knowledge, professionalism and ethical behaviours giving greater confidence when dealing with salespersons within the recreational vehicle (RV) industry in Australia.

The program is open to any individuals who sell RV product within the RV industry in Australia, that declares that they:

  1. are not an undischarged bankrupt;
  2. have not ever been convicted of an indictable offence involving dishonesty;
  3. have not been convicted of a summary offence involving dishonesty in the last 10 years;
  4. agrees that a police check may be requested by the Caravan Industry Association of Australia at any time during the individual’s accreditation and it is the individual’s responsibility to organize the police check and at the individual’s cost;
  5. meet the initial eligibility criteria (set out below);
  6. will participate in a mandated personal development program where required; and
  7. successfully complete a yearly educational quiz.

If a police check is deemed necessary through an individual’s accreditation period and does flags anything that needs to be examined further, it will be sent to the complaints and dispute panel for determination.  The decision of the panel is final.

Each accredited salesperson will be recognised by an identification badge visible to the consumer containing a unique accreditation number, the name of the salesperson, a photo of the salesperson and an accreditation expiry date.  If a replacement identification badge is requested during the year, there will be an additional fee of $22 (including GST).


CISAP will require individuals who sell RV product and that wish to apply for accreditation, to have a high level of understanding of a range of criteria areas, and the successful completion of an online educational quiz.

The quiz will include elements from the following criteria areas:

  • General sales, ethics and customer service;
  • Australian Consumer Law (ACL);
  • Workplace health and safety;
  • Industry information; and
  • Product knowledge.

CISAP does not replace the need for a licence where a specific state requires one to sell an RV.


To the salesperson:

  • the opportunity to differentiate themselves in the market through a higher level of credibility, with accreditation allowing consumers to make better informed choices;
  • the marketing advantage of association with the industry accreditation key branding and its increasing brand recognition; and
  • increased consumer confidence in dealing with an informed, professional, and ethical individual.

To the consumer:

  • assurance that the salesperson they are dealing with has the appropriate knowledge and behaviours which instils trust throughout the purchasing cycle, including adhering to a clearly defined and communicated “Code of Ethics”;
  • added confidence that the salesperson has adopted customer sales and service principles which will help meet the specific needs of the consumer;
  • ability to make a complaint through a formal mechanism provided by CISAP; and
  • assurance that the individual on an annual basis makes themselves available to be tested against the criteria of CISAP, including the latest in the ACL, and best practice industry expectations.


The CISAP requires an individual to:

  • complete an online registration;
  • declare they are eligible to be accredited;
  • that a police check may be requested by the Caravan Industry Association of Australia at any time during the individual’s accreditation and it is the individual’s responsibility to organize the police check and will be at their cost;
  • to declare they are not an undischarged bankrupt, have not been convicted of an indictable offence of dishonesty, or in the last 10 years have not been convicted of a summary offence of dishonesty;
  • confirm they are not currently disqualified or suspended from carrying on an occupation, business or trade under a law of any state or the Commonwealth;
  • will participate in a mandated personal development program where required;
  • make payment of an annual accreditation fee; and
  • successfully complete an online educational quiz.
  • Validity of accreditation status is for one (1) year.


  • The cost of accreditation is $165.00/year (incl GST) which is non-refundable. If the individual is not successful completing the accreditation online quiz three (3) times, there will be an additional fee of $55 (including GST) for the individual to re-sit the questionnaire.
  • From 2025, we will be providing RVMAP businesses and accredited dealerships who book and pay for their staff to become accredited a discounted rate of $82.50/year (incl GST). If you are an RVMAP business or accredited dealership, please email your interest to
  • Sustainability of the program is of a key concern; therefore, an ongoing assessment of all running costs will be completed, with an annual review of fees based on these costs. Because of administration and assessment costs, all fees paid are non-refundable should the individual be unsuccessful in obtaining accreditation, or subsequently loses their accreditation status.


Once accredited status is achieved, a certificate and an identifying badge (both valid for 1 year) to be worn when selling product within the RV industry will be provided to the successful applicant.


Each year that the individual seeks to maintain their accreditation they will be required to:

  • successfully complete an online educational quiz;
  • undertake mandated personal development program where required; and
  • pay an annual accreditation.

After successfully passing the assessment each year a new certificate and badge with updated accreditation expiry date will be provided.


To uphold the high standards of salespeople in CISAP in delivering professional and ethical behaviours and exceptional customer service the accredited salesperson is committed to:

  • maintaining a good working knowledge of the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) with respect to dealing with consumers in the RV industry and ensuring that the law is followed;
  • ensuring that any promise made to a consumer can be satisfied;
  • treating consumers in a fair and equitable manner free of discrimination;
  • acknowledging and responding promptly and courteously to consumer concerns;
  • guaranteeing that any practice, behaviour or sales tactic which may deliberately undermine a competitor and breach the ACL does not occur;
  • making sure that all activities are in keeping with all federal and state regulations; and
  • conducting business in a dignified and honourable manner and with a view to maintaining the highest ideals of the industry.


The procedure for the CISAP complaint process is set out below.  This is in place to ensure both confidence to the consumer and the integrity of the program.

  • Individuals will be allocated demerit points for breaches of the CISAP criteria;
  • If an individual receives two (2) penalty demerit points within a two-year period, their accreditation will be withdrawn;
  • There are deemed to be both *low graded and **high graded criteria breaches;
  • Low graded criteria breaches incur one (1) demerit point for each instance, with high graded criteria breeches resulting in the individual’s accreditation being withdrawn immediately;
  • A panel represented by Caravan Industry Association of Australia, the state association from where the salesperson has their principal place of residence, and a third person agreed upon between these two parties who will investigate any complaint received and determine the appropriate outcome. Outcomes may include the issuing of a warning, or the allocation of penalty demerit points against accreditation.  The decision of the panel is final.


  • Granting of CISAP accredited status gives the individual the right to display the accreditation certificate and to use the CISAP “accreditation key” logo;
  • CISAP Accreditation logos are for use only in accordance with the guidelines provided by Caravan Industry Association of Australia and only when accreditation is current. These may be updated from time to time;
  • The CISAP logo may be displayed on the individual’s business card or email signature. Use of the logo is not permitted on goods or saleable products.  The CISAP logo is not an indication that goods or a product has been approved but is an indication that an individual has met the criteria of the program;
  • CISAP logos, however displayed, remain the property of the issuing authority (Caravan Industry Association of Australia), who retain the right to recover use of the logos from the individual. If an individual has their CISAP accreditation withdrawn, or chooses not to renew, it is the individual’s responsibility to return any certificates, badges, and / or logos to Caravan Industry Association of Australia immediately; and
  • All accreditation logos are trademarked to protect their use and the integrity of the accreditation program.