Industry Supplier
Thank you for considering the National Supplier Accreditation Program (SAP).
Caravan Industry Association of Australia is committed to leading and championing a robust, compliant and sustainable caravanning and camping industry. To assist in this they have developed a comprehensive national supplier accreditation program, which will identify those who participate, as industry businesses committed to quality in business management and customer service.
To become accredited you will need documented policies and procedures relating to the efficient operations of your Supplier Business and which conform to the accreditation criteria standards.
To help you on the way, the Caravan Industry Association of Australia can provide you with business tools such as policy/procedure templates. These templates can be downloaded and amended to suit your own business needs.
Once more, thank you for choosing SAP and please feel free to contact us should you have any questions relating to your application or the accreditation program in general.
Accredited operators will be presented with a logo that can be displayed with pride
This symbol signifies your commitment to quality in business management and customer service.