Accredited Suppliers

Supplier Accreditation Program (SAP)

SAP is an industry specific scheme for the caravanning and camping industry, and designed to improve business standards within Industry Suppliers to the caravanning and camping sector.

To become an accredited business, Suppliers must comply with certain standards, including legal compliance, risk management, human resource management, business improvement and the sale of product.  Those businesses accredited display the ‘accreditation key’ to show that they are a member of SAP.  For suppliers wishing to know more about accreditation please contact us on 03 9815 2015 or

What are the benefits of purchasing through an accredited supplier?

The supplier:

  1. Is committed to providing good business practices
  2. Adheres to stringent regulatory compliance.
  3. Abides by a code of conduct for customer liaising, sales and service.
  4. Has policies and procedures in place ensuring professional sales and service conduct
  5. Employs staff who are registered/licensed appropriately to comply with state regulators

So, when you choose an Industry Supplier, look for the KEY logo!

Accredited SuppliersType of BusinessWebsite
Affordable Camping MatsRetailer /supplier – camping
AL-KOSupplier of products to caravan/RV
Caravan Electrical SolutionsSupplier of Electrical Solutions to caravan/RV
CruisemasterSupplier of products to caravan/RV
Integrated Site Design Holiday and Tourist Park Planning and
K-MacSupplier of powerheads to caravan holiday
RedarcSupplier of Electrical Solutions to caravan/RV
RMSSupplier of Reservation
Digital RezSupplier of Reservation