Australian Standards Explained
What are Australian Standards?
Standards are documents setting out specifications, procedures and guidelines. They are designed to ensure products, services and systems are safe, reliable and consistent. They are based on industrial, scientific and consumer experience and are regularly reviewed to ensure they keep pace with new technologies. Australian Standards cover everything from consumer products and services, construction, engineering, business, information technology, human services to energy and water utilities, the environment and much more.
Why do I need to be aware of and comply to Australian Standards?
An Australian Standard becomes mandatory when written into any form of legislation or law – such as a Code of Practice (e.g. VSB1) or an Australian Design Rule (ADR). For example, Australian Design Rules directly references over 10 Australian Standards ranging widely from coupling and safety chain requirements to gas installation requirements.
As such, Recreational Vehicle Manufacturers must be aware of what is outlined within the relevant Australian Standards to ensure they fully comply.
Who needs access to Australian Standards?
The specifications outlined within Australian Standards which are called up in legislation need to be considered and followed throughout the manufacturing process – from drafting and design through to installation and completion. Personnel within a business in roles such as these need to be aware of the Australian Standards and what is required in order to fully comply.
It is also important to remember that in order to satisfy the requirements set out in the RVMAP Code, RVMAP Accredited Businesses must have ready access to current and relevant regulatory standards (including Australian Standards).
How can I access Australian Standards?
Australian Standards are sold and distributed worldwide by SAI Global Limited. Industry businesses may wish to purchase individual Standards through SAI Global in order to gain access however purchasing individual Standards in this manner can be costly with some Standards costing in excess of $1,000. Industry businesses however have a unique opportunity to access Australian Standards relating to Recreational Vehicle manufacturing at a heavily discounted rate through Caravan Industry Association of Australia.
On behalf of the industry, Caravan Industry Association of Australia annually subscribes to over 200 Australian Standards relevant to Recreational Vehicle Manufacturing – to view a list of the Standards currently within our subscription CLICK HERE. As an individual business, gaining the same level of access to these Recreational Vehicle specific standards and additional features through SAI Global would cost approximately $25,000 annually.
To register your interest in a subscription to this service – CLICK HERE.
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