Caravan Industry Association of Australia launches the industry’s largest trade activity to support manufacturers, dealers, service providers and state industry caravan camping shows.

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Launched February 1, Caravan Industry Association of Australia’s ‘Caravan to a Million’ promotion, in partnership with each of the trade associations, is already gaining momentum.

The campaign takes a ‘One Industry, One Voice’ approach, with each state trade association partnering in the campaign representing over 650 trade businesses nationally.

The campaign is designed to engage Australians interested in towed and self-drive RV products by offering them a chance to win a million dollars.

Throughout the promotional period, consumers are encouraged to attend caravan camping shows, visit their local dealer to explore the latest caravan/RV products, use their product/s and be reminded that regular servicing is also an important responsibility in owning a functioning and safe product.

Currently, in Australia, there are over 840,000 registered RV products. It is vital as an industry body that we continue to engage with everyday campers and ensure that they are reminded of the benefits of camping, not just the ‘value’ for money, but also the amazing health & well-being benefits in addition to the rush of hitting the road on an Australian adventure.

The industry has enjoyed unprecedented popularity over recent years, and this momentum must be sustained & continued. While the political and social landscape has changed since 2020, the industry is now facing different challenges, consumers are experiencing increased cost of living challenges while the industry sees the highly visible return of traditional competitors in the form of cruising and international travel. As an industry, we must be vigilant and continue to remind Australians of the tremendous value and freedom that comes with owning a caravan or RV.

The promotional period is from February 1st to June 30th, and throughout this period Caravan Industry Association of Australia will invest heavily in digital, social and other marketing/PR activities. This includes access to its existing audiences of over 650,000 collated via social media and email databases. A dedicated website supports the activity and is a rich resource hub for cavanners.

Without the support of our state associations the scale and amplification to truly make this a national activity would not be possible. A special thanks to Caravanning Queensland, CCIA NSW, Caravan Industry Association Western Australia, Caravan Trade & Industries Association of Victora and Caravan & Camping SA.

If you have any questions please email