New Deputy Prime Minister and Transport Minister Announced

Caravan Industry Welcomes Appointment of The Hon. Michael McCormack as Deputy Prime Minister and Transport Minister

Caravan Industry Association of Australia warmly welcomed yesterday’s elevation of The Hon Michael McCormack MP to the leadership of the Nationals and appointment as Deputy Prime Minister of Australia and Minster for Infrastructure and Transport.

Caravan Industry Association of Australia CEO Stuart Lamont with The Hon. Michael McCormack MP.

CEO Stuart Lamont praised the new Deputy Prime Minister’s performance as the Minister for Small Business where he proved to be “one of the most engaged MP’s at a Federal level with respect to interactivity, interest in and an understanding of our industry’s issues.”

“As the Federal Member for Riverina, Michael recognises first-hand the caravan and camping sector’s immense value to Australia’s regional electorates and their tourism industries.”

The sector contributes more than $19.02 billion of economic value each year and generates over 53,000 direct jobs of which the majority are in regional Australia.

Mr Lamont concluded that the industry “looked forward to working with the Hon Michael McCormack and Federal Government for a better Australia, particularly the regional communities which make up the life blood of the country, to ensure that tourism is a key driver for future sustainable economic growth and job creation”.