Caravan Road Safety receives key priority through establishment of Alliance
With the expected boom in caravanning over the next three to five years, it is important that consumer road safety remains paramount for the reputation of the industry, and the wellbeing of the consumers that use industry product.
Caravan Industry Association of Australia is therefore proud to announce the establishment of the Caravan & Trailer Road Safety Alliance.
Focussing on addressing six initial key areas – Technology, Regulation Development, Insurance, Government Interaction and Grants, Research and Consumer Education, the Safety Alliance will proactively investigate key projects which enhance consumer safety.
The Alliance will be headed up by well known industry stalwart Peter May, who has previously held positions on the National Board as well as being a long standing Council member (including a time as President) for Caravan Industry Victoria. Peter has been a long time advocate for better consumer outcomes and is passionate towards making a difference through the Alliance.
Initial discussions have shown a strong desire to participate, with the Alliance warmly welcomed by industry and Government alike. The opportunity to participate is available for funding partners who will regularly meet to workshop key priorities. Key projects identified will seek appropriate funding, and will look to be executed by Caravan Industry Association of Australia in conjunction with state caravanning associations.
Stuart Lamont, CEO of Caravan Industry Association of Australia is a strong advocate for the Alliance saying that “one caravan accident is one caravan accident too many! Anything we can do collectively to assist in making sure that families get home to their loved ones after their caravanning trip should be encouraged.”
“The impacts of caravan accidents are devastating. The Alliance is a great step in working towards strong outcomes for all road users,” Mr Lamont said.
There are over 740,000 registered camper trailers, caravans and motorhomes in Australia today.
For further information on the Alliance contact