Caravan Industry urges travellers to plan ahead before hitting the road this Easter

Caravan Industry Association of Australia’s annual Road Safety campaign reminds the over 1.7 million campers preparing to hit the road this Easter to remain safe and plan ahead.

Choose Road Safety

Caravan Industry Association of Australia joins national movement to address rural road safety. Almost two-thirds of road fatalities in Australia occur on rural roads. This figure is especially alarming when you consider that only 28% of the population resides in rural areas. September is ‘Rural Road Safety Month’. This road safety awareness campaign by Australian […]

Caravan & Camping Safety campaign launched as 800,000 registered RVs plan to hit the road this summer and take over 4 million trips

Caravan & Camping Safety campaign launched as 800,000 registered RVs plan to hit the road this summer.

Caravan Industry Appears at Joint Senate Committee for Road Safety

Caravan Industry Association of Australia CEO Stuart Lamont recently appeared at the Joint Select Committee on Road Safety. This committee is chaired by Darren Chester MP (Nationals) with Matt Thistlethwaite MP (ALP) and Maria Vamvakinou (ALP) also on the committee. This was an excellent opportunity to highlight the role of the industry in road safety […]