COVID-19: Industry update #11
May 8, 2020
3-Step Framework for COVIDSafe Australia
This afternoon, the National Cabinet released a 3 Step COVIDSafe Framework detailing the process to fully reopen the Australian economy by July and for easing the social distancing measures that have been enforced since February. We are pleased with the positive messaging to a return to “normal” and the clear framework it provides to business and our travelling community. This framework is an important step in providing confidence to industry on when they can expect to be operational.
We are also pleased to see caravan parks and campgrounds specifically mentioned in step 2 of the framework, and this acknowledgement reflects the significant lobbying the National and States Associations have taken to ensure that government is aware of the importance of the sector and the need for a clear, concise and consistent message.
We recognise however that Government decision makers remain nervous regarding shared facilities. That being said, there is no reason why the opening of roofed accommodation and the accepting of those vehicles with onboard toilets and showers should not be included within Step 1 as per is available for hotels and hostels.
There are over 350,000 caravanners and campers looking to get back travelling with 4 weeks of being open, and it is important that the sector is ready to support these travellers and we will be working closely with state associations to continue our advocacy to bring forward the opening of facilities fully as quickly as possible.
For manufacturers and trade businesses, there was an easing in the messaging regarding working from home, with employees able to return to work if social distancing measures are in place and that they are happy to do so. This is a positive outcome on the back of submission made earlier this week to National Cabinet regarding the preparedness of our manufacturing sector to return to work.
Documents can be downloaded here:
Overview of Framework by Prime Minister
Step One
Step one will enable greater connection with friends and family, allowing gatherings up to 10 people, and five guests in your own home. Working from home, if it works for you, and your employer. It will see children back in classrooms and in playgrounds in their communities. Golfers back on the green. Lap swimmers back in the pool. Boot camps back in the parks. Retail and small cafes and restaurants reopening. Interstate recreational travel, starting again. It will see easing of restrictions for funerals with up to 30 attendees, outdoors, and 10 at weddings.
Step two
Step two will allow larger size gatherings up to 20 people, including for venues such as cinemas and galleries, more retail openings on sector-based COVID safe plans, organised community sport, and beauty parlours.
Step three
Step three, allowing gatherings up to 100 people. This will become clearer as we move through the first two steps. So there will be more work to do on step 3. But most workers, by then, will be back in the workplace. Interstate travel will likely resume. Pubs and clubs with some restrictions will be open. And also, possibly gaming venues. Step three, but also step two, will get greater definition as we move through the success of step one.
Key points of the 3-Step framework:
- The framework is provided as guidance for State and Territory governments, the enforcement of these specifics is subject to their recommendations.
- Stage 2 and 3 will continue to evolve and be redefined over the coming weeks.
- State and Territory will transition through the individual stages of the framework at their own paceand that some states have already moved into step 2 regarding caravan and camping.
Although the message today was more positive and optimistic, it is imperative that as an industry we continue to support social distancing measures and the recommendations from government to ensure that any steps forward, do not undo the good work and sacrifices that have been made to date. The economic situation due to COVID-19 is yet to fully unfold and over the coming months, it will be important that government is continued to be lobbied to support businesses and their requirements.
Caravan Industry Association of Australia has been working closely with state Associations around some guidance material to assist industry businesses to become COVID-ready. It is imperative that our consumers do not become community transmitters and so evidence of necessary procedures and processes will be critical in the confidence needed by Government to accelerate opening.
Reach Out to Us
We, in conjunction with your individual State Association, continue to advocate strongly on behalf of industry. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the National Association or to your State Association if you have any queries or to raise a specific issue that you require to be addressed with Government.