Future leaders 2018 Convoy to Conference

The idea of Convoy to Conference was born when a few keen caravan industry members were discussing ways in which they could further foster the mateship and camaraderie that makes the caravan and camping industry so great. Further discussions saw the event evolve into one that would highlight some great Australian holiday destinations, some of the exciting new caravan and camping experiences available in these regions, while giving future leaders of the industry a chance to network and brainstorm in a more informal environment. The event is an opportunity to bring together all facets of the industry, from holiday parks to trade to regional tourism operators, and showcase the innovative experiences and products available.
The proposed inaugural event will see participants embarking on a week-long trip from Sydney on the 9th May, stopping at various holiday parks along the stunning coastline, and finishing up on the 15th May with a celebration and debrief at the 2018 Caravan Industry Association of Australia National Conference on the Gold Coast. The week-long event is aimed at caravan and camping industry employees aged 30 to 40, capturing the dynamic and experiential nature of our industry – what better way to do this than to engage in the product ourselves?
In this age of digital exposure, marketing content is most effective when it is experiential, targeting markets based not just on traditional “demographics”, but also their behavioural characteristics. While on the 855km convoy, industry members will showcase activities such as watching whales frolicking off the coastline, selfies in front of the Big Banana, sampling the local fare at an abundance of cafes and restaurants, surfing sand-dunes and paddle boarding or surfing at some of Australia’s most beautiful beaches. Evenings will be spent swapping stories around the camp fire, participating in daily challenges and activities and the mainstay of camp life – the sausage sizzle! All of this will be captured in a series of images, videos, daily wrap ups, blogs and boomerangs, which can then be used to highlight the varied caravan and camping experiences available to consumers through numerous industry facing social media outlets.
So, if you are passionate about the caravan and camping industry, and would like to hang with mates; old and new, while helping develop some amazing experiential content, we need you! This is your opportunity to help educate and engage future caravan and campers with some of the most unique products in such an amazing location. We are currently seeking expressions of interest to participate or those who would be interested in assisting with the smooth execution of the event. You can contact Margaret Shannon on admin@greatlakes.com.au or the team at Caravan Industry Association of Australia at futureleaders@caravanindustry.com.au.
Watch this space for more information coming soon!