GTRC New Certification Scheme Rules
The Gas Technical Regulators of Australia have published an updated version of the Rules and you can download a copy HERE.
This version introduces a new category of gas equipment called High Risk Gas equipment, which may include some components and appliances that are in use in recreational vehicles. The gas products listed under this category will be required to undergo safety critical testing every 2 years as part of post certification surveillance activities. The safety critical testing is limited testing and defined by the Gas Technical Regulators of Australia. You can download a copy of the list of products covered and the testing required HERE.
Major suppliers of gas appliances within the caravan industry have confirmed that they are aware of the requirements, and that their current appliances do not require additional certification testing under the new rules. However, this determination can depend on quite specific design features and the GTRC listing is subject to change over time, so industry businesses are encouraged to be aware of the new rules as they may come to be applied to future products or appliances. Furthermore, there may be other gas components that are affected.
AGA (or alternate certification organisations) will be in touch with affected Certificate Holders to assist with management of this new requirement and with testing as required.
Please contact your AGA Client Manager (or alternate certification organisation) and/or gas equipment suppliers if you have any queries relating to the new requirements.