Latest Caravan and Camping Visitor Snapshot

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In the year ending March 2017, a total of 11.58 million caravan and camping overnight trips were undertaken by Australians, which represents a 1.1% decrease from the previous year.

This decline in numbers is largely attributed to a seasonality issue where Easter fell in March in 2016 and April in 2017. As such, the current annual data does not include an Easter period, which is a significant time for higher consumer demand in the industry.

Total domestic caravan and camping nights in Australia were recorded at 49.78 million, which also saw a marginal decline of 0.3% from the previous year.

The 30 to 54 year demographic retains 47% of the market, reaching 5.5 million trips for the year ending March 2017. This is followed by visitors aged 55 years and over (30%) and 20 to 29 years (16%).

Visitors aged 55 years and over retained the largest market share in terms of nights, accounting for 44% of all nights (21.9 million). The 30 to 54-year market segment represents 41% of all nights created (20.3 million).

This shows us that once again there are more 30 to 54 years undertaking caravan and camping trips, however, the 55 year an over demographic spend more time on their holidays.

Travelling for a holiday remains
the most popular reason for consumers to undertake a caravan and camping trip, representing 77% of the market. Travelling for the purposes of business (12%) and for visiting friends and relatives (8%) were the second and third most popular reasons for undertaking a caravan and camping trip in the year ending March 2017.

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