Marketing to Government


To become visible within Government and to strongly represent the size and strength of the Caravanning and Holiday Parks Industry, while communicating the importance of a vibrant Industry to jobs (tourism and manufacturing), economy, and regional Australia.

To have a forum to communicate key issues which impact and threaten the long term viability of the Industry, and to source funding opportunities, via increased Government relationships.

Strongly represent the size and strength of the Caravanning and Holiday Parks Industry

Key Activities

  • Commission Industry research as the basis for political argument and the foundation for grant funding;
  • Increase meaningful communication with both sides of Government;
  • Promote the health and education benefits of the Caravanning & Holiday Parks Industry to Government departments outside of the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism;
  • Become more involved in activities, and workshops which involve Government staff, departments or agencies; and
  • Increase leveraging of sponsorship of the National Tourism Awards.

Measures of Performance

  • Value of industry research gathered;
  • Level of grant funding achieved; and
  • Number of interactions with Government departments and working groups.