National Summer TV will see a repeat promotion of the Caravan & Camping lifestyle
Channel Ten’s popular morning show ‘Studio 10’ with David (Robbo) Robinson, Sarah Harris, Joe Hildebrand, Denise Drysdale and Jess Rowe will take their national audience caravanning and camping as a repeat series for the summer season in December and the timing couldn’t be better!
The summer months are when the majority of Australians holiday, it is a time to relax and to spend with family and friends and Caravan Industry Association of Australia wants to ensure that in this highly competitive holiday sector that the caravan and camping lifestyle is front of mind. It is vital that Australians are reminded, in an already cluttered marketing world, that the camping lifestyle offers more options and benefits than any other type of holiday.
In June Studio 10 as part of a cooperative agreement with Caravan Industry Association of Australia took a caravan and camping road trip that resulted in over 10 hours of live national broadcast TV from caravan holiday parks. Throughout the week they highlighted the fun activities, the people met and the flexibility that the camping lifestyle offers to consumers.
Such was the popularity of this adventure that from 18th December to the 20th Channel Ten will replay over seven hours of their broadcasts from caravan holiday parks that feature mainly NRMA Treasure Island and Brisbane Holiday Village.
Once again, the willingness of the major free to air networks to work cooperatively with Caravan Industry Association highlights the desire Australian’s have for the caravan and camping lifestyle and the demand for more consumer friendly and inclusive story-telling.