Regional Visitor Economies
Our Focus
Encouraging the caravanning & camping ‘community’ to play their role in revitalising regional Australia & championing their contribution to regional economies & the nation
15M Trips & 60M Nights
Caravan and camping generates more than holiday nights than any other type of accommodation in Australia. Over 90% of nights spent caravan and camping is in regional Australia
$10.7B Annually
Largely focused in regional Australia, where visitor expenditure in 2500 caravan parks supports myriads of additional businesses external to the immediate caravan industry.
Caravan Parks
Developing Communities
Caravan parks are the organs of regional tourism. Each dollar of caravan park revenue generates $1.38 of economic activity in the local community, stimulating job creation & business opportunities.
Latest Announcements
Supporting a collaborative approach for the caravan industry following ACCC report
The caravan industry has been under enormous pressure through unprecedented demand from Australians looking to experience the caravanning and camping lifestyle (amid a global explosion of consumer interest towards the sector), and supply issues generated out of COVID-19 labour shortages and supply chain delays, primarily out of China. “While the vast majority of industry businesses […]
Caravan Industry Association of Australia urges Federal Government to ready regional tourism for the age of Electric Vehicles
Caravan Industry Association of Australia today acknowledged the release of the Future Fuel Fund by the Federal government, however highlighted that more needs to be done outside of urban Australia to help regional tourism operators connect with EV users. “Drive tourism accounts for 75% of all tourism in regional areas, charging infrastructure and activating the […]
Caravan Industry Appears at Joint Senate Committee for Road Safety
Caravan Industry Association of Australia CEO Stuart Lamont recently appeared at the Joint Select Committee on Road Safety. This committee is chaired by Darren Chester MP (Nationals) with Matt Thistlethwaite MP (ALP) and Maria Vamvakinou (ALP) also on the committee. This was an excellent opportunity to highlight the role of the industry in road safety […]
Assets to start your Workplace Well-Being Plan for your business
Mental health coaching for small business owners.
National Cabinet agrees on Framework for Business Support during & after Lockdowns
Following the National Cabinet meeting today, an agreed framework has been established that will provide more clarity for businesses and individuals seeking business support during and following lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a welcome development that will impact the COVID disaster payment and business support payments from today. Support for Individuals Removal of The ‘Liquid Assets’ […]
Australian made week – local caravan production at 30 year high
The caravan industry in Australia contributes more than $23B annually to the Australian economy and has extensive local supply chains that involve more than 6,000 businesses across manufacturing, dealerships, servicing, repair and tourism (caravan and holiday parks). There are currently more than 750,000 recreational vehicles (caravans & motorhomes) registered on Australian roads, with 90% of […]
Caravan and Camping Industry Support in Federal Budget 2021
This year’s Federal Budget focused on post-recession economic growth through tax incentives, business support packages, job creation mechanisms and project expenditure. Whilst the government’s budget was light on in specific tourism or manufacturing related funding, we are pleased to see announcements regarding insurance support in northern Australia, an extension to the Building Better Region Fund […]
Your industry voice in Canberra
Advocacy update 29 March 2021 Caravan Industry Association of Australia travelled to Canberra during the sitting week of March 23 to discuss key issues with policy makers, departments and government agencies. A core focus was continuing to advocate for changes to insurance for caravan parks which are seeing premium hikes and/or extreme difficulty in accessing providers that […]
New Tourism Package A Step in the Right Direction
Today’s tourism support package announcement from the Federal Government is a step in the right direction and will assist the caravan and camping industry as it continues to lead the recovery of Australia’s domestic visitor economy. The Federal government has been clear from the start that JobKeeper would not be extended, and that wage […]
Industry calls for consistency in Caravan Park Insurance
Australia’s peak caravan and camping industry group welcomes today’s handing down of the Insurance Inquiry Report December 2020 by Kate Carnell, Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsmen. Caravan Industry Association of Australia has worked closely with our members and industry organisations to strongly advocate on the challenges that caravan park operators are facing in […]
Tasmania faces bleak caravanning summer while other regions boom in post COVID border openings
The Tasmanian caravanning industry risks a bleak summer despite Australians embracing caravanning and camping in other states as they emerge out of lockdown and borders start to re-open. Recent data released by Caravan Industry Association of Australia regarding November caravan park accommodation shows Tasmania is the worst performing caravanning destination for the month with falls […]
Federal Government remains committed to the roll-out of the RVSA
Following the recent announcement of the federal budget, the Federal Government announced that $7.3 million will be committed over four years to the implementation of the Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018 (RVSA). This comes at a critical time as other automotive industry associations have recently pushed to further delay the implementation of the Act. “This […]
Caravan and Camping Industry Support in Federal Budget 2020
This year’s Federal Budget was a vital one for Australians and the caravan and camping industry, as the government aims to navigate the economy through a recession and into a post-covid world. At the core of the budget announcement was the need to drive expenditure through investment, infrastructure development, tax incentives, capital expenditure and increasing […]