Seventh Street Caravans First NSW Dealership To Attain Accreditation Retail Dealership Accreditation Program


Caravan Industry Association of Australia is pleased to announce Seventh Street Caravans as the first NSW based dealership to attain accreditation in the National Retail Dealership Accreditation Program (RDAP).

RDAP is about leadership and professionalism.  The program identifies the leaders in the industry and recognises their professionalism in achieving benchmark performance levels in business planning, risk management, business improvement, HR management and Sales and Service conduct.  It provides a framework for good business practice and encourages continuous review and improvement.  It also provides an assurance to consumers and the industry that operators possess a commitment to quality and good customer service.

CEO of Caravan Industry Association of Australia, Stuart Lamont commented:

“We are extremely pleased to welcome Maree and Aidan from Seventh Street Caravans into the Retail Dealership Accreditation Program.  Attaining accreditation is a challenging process with the outcome highlighting their commitment to implementing best business practices in all facets of their dealership.”

Maree Saggers from Seventh Street Caravans commented:

“Transparency has never been more important; the release of the ACCC’s findings will bring uncertainty to the industry as Consumers are left wondering about the industry standards.

As business owners we need to ensure we deliver every confidence to our consumers, the confidence to buy is increased when there is an industry-based accreditation.

7th St Caravans is thrilled to be the first NSW ACCREDITTED RETAIL DEALERSHIP, Thank You.  Our congratulations to the team at Caravan Industry Association of Australia for providing the opportunity to achieve accreditation and recommend the program to all dealers to ensure consumer confidence is restored. “

Any dealership interested in finding out more about RDAP please click here